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近年来负责了能源效率与空气质量协同研究智慧能源与环境发展2030”2项科研项目,另作为研究骨干参加世界银行自助的空气污染管理与环境健康(PMEH)项目1项。在国际、国内重要学术期刊和国际会议论文集上发表论文21篇,其中7篇被SCI摘引,1篇被EI摘引。论文多次被国内外同行引用 (见所发表论文收录及引用情况统计表)。因研究工作成绩显著,目前正担任Applied EnergyApplied Thermal EngineeringAtmospheric EnvironmentEnergy Energy PolicyEnergy Strategy Reviews Journal of Cleaner Production Energy Economics Energy EfficiencyEnvironment, Development and SustainabilityEnvironment InternationalEnergiesGeographical JournalJournal of Environmental Economics (Chinese)SustainabilityTransportation Research Part D: Transport and EnvironmentEcological Indicators等学术期刊的匿名审稿人和哈萨克斯坦纳扎尔巴耶夫大学(Nazarbayev University)的基金项目评审专家(2016-2018)。

2016年张少辉于荷兰乌特勒支大学取得哲学博士学位,随后加入IIASA的能源与空气质量项目组进行博士后研究工作。2018年,作为IIASA 青年暑期科学家项目(YSSP)博士生导师,先后指导了来自北京大学(PKU)和英国东英吉利大学(UEA)的博士生两名。


12. Rui Huang, Shaohui Zhang, Changxin Liu. Comparing Urban and Rural Household CO2 Emissions—Case from China’s Four Megacities: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing. Energies 2018, 11(5), 1257 doi.org/10.3390/en11051257

11. Jun Liu, Shaohui Zhang, Fabian Wagner. Exploring the driving forces of energy consumption and environmental pollution in China’s cement industry at the provincial level. Journal of Cleaner Production 184 (2018) 274-285 doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.02.277

10. Shaohui Zhang, Hongtao Ren, Wenji Zhou, Yadong Yu, Chuchu Chen. Realizing co-benefits of energy efficiency and air pollution reduction in the cement industry: a case study of Jiangsu province at city level. Journal of Cleaner Production 185 (2018) 761-771 doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.02.293

9. Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus, Maarten Krol, Marco de Bruine, Guangpo Geng, Fabian Wagner, Janusz Cofala. Modeling energy efficiency to improve air quality and health effects of China’s cement industry. Applied Energy 184 (2016) 574–593 doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.10.030

8. Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus. Synergy of Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Chinese Industries: a critical assessment of energy models. Energy 93 (2015) 2436-2450 doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2015.10.088

7. Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus. Mapping and modeling multiple benefits of energy efficiency and emission mitigation in China’s cement industry at the provincial level. Applied Energy 155 (2015) 35-58 doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.05.104

6. Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus. Evaluating co-benefits of energy efficiency and air pollution abatement in China’s cement industry. Applied Energy 147 (2015) 192-213 doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.02.081

5. Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus, Fabian Wagner, Janusz Cofala. Co-benefits of energy efficiency improvement and air pollution abatement in the Chinese iron and steel industry. Energy 78 (2014) 333-345 doi:10.1016/j.energy.2014.10.018

4. Shaohui Zhang, Shanshan Wang, Ruiqin Zhang, Analysis on the potential of greenhouse gas emission reduction in Henan’s electricity sector, Energy and Environment Research [J], 2012, Vol. 2, No. 1, 195-204 doi.org/10.5539/eer.v2n1p195

3. 卢蕊; 侯小阁; 张少辉; 张露允; 张瑞芹,火电企业落后产能评价指标体系构建及实证研究,节能[J]2011,(10),32-38

2. 张少辉, 张长森, 侯小阁, 卢蕊, 张瑞芹, 河南省工业能效政策和项目评估研究, 中国人口资源与环境 [J], 2011, S2, 36-39

1. 张少辉, 张瑞芹, 张长森, 侯小阁, 卢蕊,河南省工业节能减排的现状及发展趋势,创新科技[J], 2010, 5, 20-21


8. Shaohui Zhang (2018). Modeling energy efficiency of steel industry in Integrated Assessment Model (IAM): a case study for MESSAGE. The 41st International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) international conference. Groningen, the Netherlands.

7. Shaohui Zhang (2018). Measuring energy efficiency co-benefits of climate mitigation and air pollution abatement. 2018 Joint International Conference on ABaCAS and CMAS-Asia-Pacific. Beijing, China.

6. Shaohui Zhang (2016). Realizing co-benefits of energy efficiency in the Chinese industry. The 4th National Conference on Low Carbon Development Management, Beijing, China.

5. Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus, Maarten Krol, Marco de Bruine, Guangpo Geng, Fabian Wagner,  Thomas R?ckmann, Janusz Cofala. (2015). The contribution of energy efficiency measures to air quality and related health effects in China’s cement industry. The Systems Analysis 2015 conference, Laxenburg, IIASA, Austria.

4. Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus (2015). Co-benefits of energy efficiency for air quality and health effects in China’s cement industry. The 14th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, US.

3. Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus (2015). Mapping and modeling multiple benefits of energy efficiency and emission mitigation in China‘s cement industry at the provincial level. The international scientific conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change” (CFCC15*), Paris, France.

2. Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus (2015). Cutting air pollution by improving energy efficiency of China’s cement industry. The Seventh International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Lisbon, Portugal.

1. Shaohui Zhang, Ernst Worrell, Wina Crijns-Graus (2014). Integrated assessment of co-benefits between energy efficiency improvement and emission mitigation in Chinese iron and steel industry. Proceedings of ECEEE Industrial Summer Study on Energy Efficiency Arnhem, the Netherlands.
