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  崔连标,中国科学技术大学本科、硕士和博士,中国科学技术大学与中国科学院联合培养博士研究生。现为安徽财经大学统计与应用数学学院副教授、校聘龙湖学者。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等国家级课题3项、省部级课题3项;主编专著2部,在国内外重要学术期刊如World Development、Energy Economics和Climate Policy等发表论文近30篇,其中3篇为ESI高被引论文。近三年,获得安徽省社会科学奖和安徽省科学技术奖等多项省部级奖励。研究成果获得多位中央领导人的批示。


  [1] 主持国家自然科学基金“不确定条件下中国温室气体与大气污染物的协同控制研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(2020.1-2023.12)(编号:71974001)

  [2] 主持国家自然科学基金“绿色气候基金融资责任分摊机制研究”,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(2016.1-2018.12)(编号:71503001)(已结题)

  [3] 主持安徽省高校自然科学项目“面向环保税经济影响评估的动态CGE模型构建及其应用”,安徽省高校自然科学重点项目(2019.06-2021.06)(编号KJ2019A0649)

  [4] 主持安徽省社会科学创新发展研究课题“TPP与中国“一带一路”的战略博弈:基于全球多区域CGE模型的定量评估”,安徽省社会科学创新发展研究课题重大项目(2016.6-2018.10)(编号:2016ZD010)(已结项)

  [5] 主持安徽省人文社科重点项目“基于多区域CGE模型的我国"一带一路"对外战略经济影响评估”,安徽省人文社科规划重点项目(2015.6-2016.12)(编号:SK2015A214)(已结项)


  [1] Lianbiao Cui, Yi Sun, Malin Song, Lei Zhu. Co-financing in the Green Climate Fund: Lessons from the Global Environment Facility. Climate Policy, 2020. (SSCI)

  [2] Lianbiao Cui,Yi Sun, Rasa Melnikiene, Malin Song, Jianlei Mo. Exploring the impacts of Sino–US trade disruptions with a multi-regional CGE model. Economic Research-EkonomskaIstra?ivanja, 2019,32(1): 4015-4032. (SSCI)

  [3] LianbiaoCui ,Rongjing Li, Malin Song,Lei Zhu. Can China achieve its 2030 energy development targets by fulfilling carbon intensity reduction commitments?Energy Economics, 2019,83:61-73.(SSCI)

  [4] JiandongChen, ChongXu, LianbiaoCui, ShuoHuang, MalinSong. Driving factors of CO2 emissions and inequality characteristics in China: A combined decomposition approach. Energy Economics, 2019,78: 589–597. (SSCI)

  [5] Lianbiao Cui,Malin Song. Economic Evaluation of the Belt and Road Initiative from an Unimpeded Trade Perspective.International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 2019, 22(1):25-46.(SSCI)

  [6] Lianbiao Cui, Malin Song, Lei Zhu. Economic evaluation of the trilateral FTA among China, Japan, and South Korea with big data analytics.Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019, 128: 1040-1051.(SCI二区)

  [7] DelianFeng, Qun Chen, Malin Song, Lianbiao Cui(通讯). Relationship between the Degree of Internationalization and Performance in Manufacturing Enterprises of the Yangtze River Delta Region. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2019,55(7):1455-1471. (SSCI)

  [8] MaLin Song, Ron Fisher, Jian-Lin Wang, Lian-Biao Cui. Environmental performance evaluation with big data: theories and methods. Annals of Operations Research, 2018, 270(1-2):459-472.(SCI)(ESI高被引论文、热点论文)

  [9] Lianbiao Cui, Yuran Huang. Exploring the Schemes for Green Climate Fund Financing: International Lessons. World Development, 2018,101:173-187. (SSCI)

  [10] JiandongChen, PingWang, LianbiaoCui,ShuoHuang, MalinSong. Decomposition and decoupling analysis of CO2 emissions in OECD. Applied Energy, 2018, 231: 937-950.(SCI)

  [11] Lianbiao Cui, Ying Fan, Lei Zhu, Qinghua Bi. How Will the Emissions Trading Scheme Save Cost for Achieving China's 2020 Carbon Intensity Reduction Target?.Applied Energy, 2014, 136(12): 1043-1052.(SCI)(ESI高被引论文)

  [12] Lianbiao Cui, Lei Zhu, Marco Springmann, Ying Fan. Design and Analysis of the Green Climate Fund. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 2014, 23(3):266-299. (SCI)

  [13] Lianbiao Cui, Pan Peng, Lei Zhu. Embodied Energy, Export Policy Adjustment and China's Sustainable Development: A Multi-Regional Input-Output Analysis. Energy, 2015, 82:457-467. (SCI)( ESI高被引论文)

  [14] Lianbiao Cui, HuangbaoGui. Sharing the Burden of Financing the Green Climate Fund in the Post-Kyoto Era. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 2015,7(2):206-221. (SSCI)

  [15] Jiasen Sun, Jie Wu, Yajun Miao, Lianbiao Cui,RunyangZhong. 2014. Improved interval DEA models with common weight . Kybernetika,2014,50(5):774-785.(SCI)

  [16] Malin Song, Lianbiao Cui(通讯).Economic Evaluation of Chinese Electricity Price Marketization Based on Dynamic Computational General Equilibrium Model. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2016,101: 614-628.(SCI)

  [17] Lianbiao Cui, Malin Song. Designing and Forecasting the Differentiated Carbon Tax Scheme Based on the Principle of Ability to Pay.Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research,2017, 34(1): 341-360.(SCI)

  [18] 崔连标,朱磊,宋马林,郑海涛. 中美贸易摩擦的国际经济影响评估. 财经研究,2018,44(12):4-17. (CSSCI)

  [19] 崔连标,洪雪雯,宋马林. “一带一路”倡议能否缓解TPP对中国的负面影响?. 财经研究,2018,44(8):4-17. (CSSCI)

  [20] 崔连标,宋马林,朱磊,范英. 国际气候基金融资责任分摊机制研究:一种兼顾责任与能力的视角. 财经研究,2015, 41(3):65-76. (CSSCI)

  [21] 崔连标, 韩建宇, 孙加森. 全球化背景下贸易隐含能源研究.国际贸易问题,  2014, (5): 113-123. (CSSCI)

  [22] 崔连标,范英, 朱磊. 基于碳减排贡献原则的绿色气候基金的分配研究. 中国人口?资源与环境, 2014,(1):31-37. (CSSCI)

  [23] 崔连标, 范英, 朱磊, 毕清华, 张毅. 碳排放交易对实现我国“十二五”减排目标的成本节约效应.中国管理科学, 2013, 21(1):37-46. (CSSCI)

  [24] 崔连标,朱磊,范英. 碳关税背景下中国主动减排策略可行性分析.管理科学, 2013,26(1): 101-111. (CSSCI)

  [25] 宋建新,崔连标.发达国家碳关税征收对我国的影响究竟如何?基于多区域CGE模型的定量评估. 国际经贸探索,2015, 31(6):4-18. (CSSCI)

  [26] 崔连标,孙欣,宋马林. 贸易自由化视角下中国新丝绸之路对外战略经济影响评估.管理科学, 2016, 29(1):147-160.(CSSCI)

  [27] 崔连标,段洪波,许金华. 交易费用对我国碳市场成本有效性的影响:基于国内碳交易试点间的模拟分析. 管理评论,2017,29(6):23-31.(CSSCI)


  [1] 宋马林,崔连标.中国环境发展研究报告2015:聚焦城市生态转型. 北京,科学出版社,2015.

  [2] 崔连标. 全球绿色气候基金方案设计与影响评估. 北京:经济科学出版社,2017年4月.


  [1] 研究报告“关于探索建立合肥市环境空气质量生态补偿机制的研究报告”得到安徽省委主要领导的批示(排序第一),2018年9月。

  [2] 研究报告“大数据视域下蚌埠市大气污染物时空分布特征及演变规律研究”得到蚌埠市主要领导的批示(排序第一),2018年5月。


  [1] 2017-2018年度安徽省社会科学奖三等奖(排序第一)

  [2] 2019年安徽省科学技术奖三等奖(排序第二)

  [3] 2019年安徽省社科联三项课题优秀成果一等奖(排序第一)

  [4] 2018年安徽省社科联三项课题优秀成果二等奖(排序第一)

